Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Demigod - Birth Of The Damned EP 2013

Band Name - Demigod
Album Title - Birth Of The Damned EP
Release Year - 2013
Release Labels - Crows Records
Genre - Brutal Death Metal
Band From - Sumedang
Bit Rate - mp3@CBR320kbps
Source Audio Quality - CD Rip
Artwork Cover Incl. - Front Covers

- Track Song -

01 Birth Of The Damned
02 Mental Disaster
03 Kausalitas Stigma
04 Supremasi Ideologi
05 End Of Breathiness

Agresi Indonesian Death Metal memang tidak akan pernah berhenti walau sedetikpun menampilkan Roster2 Death Metal Muda berbakatnya, tak terkecuali Scene2 Kota yang tidak terjamah akan potensi Movement Death Metal-nya sekalipun, seperti band asal Sumedang ini. terbentuk tahun 2008, Brutal Death Metal sudah menjadi Penantian Panjang mimpi mereka untuk bisa memainkannya, Demigod pun berkata ... dan perjalanan mengerikan akan segera dimulai………. setelah mengenalkan Promo ditahun 201 yang mendapat respon positif memang menjadi tiket obsesi mereka untuk lebih serius mematangkan konsep materinya dan " Birth of the Damned " pun menjadi pijakan awal berdarah mereka di Kancah Extreme Death Metal cepat ! dan disaat Scene tanah air sedang dibombardir dengan Booming Slamming dan Blast Part, Demigod coba hadir menawarkan komposisi yang lebih bergaya Old School Death Metal terbawa dengan modern style, sehingga sajiannya memang kickin ass ! konsepnya lebih Mengingatkan gw dengan Gaya bermain Defeated Sanity, Gorguts Awal, Serta Obscura. they just lack that special "something". Totally unidentifiable and lacking any real impact, everything here just kind of happens. There is no distinct slam, no catchy hook, and the run of the mill-ness of the technical playing is just annoying rather than contributory to the intensity of the music. " Birth of the Damned " menjadi Tonggak kekuatan Idealis mereka mengusung Konsep musik yang Cepat dan Rapi, sentuhan Blastbeat Snare teratur denga Pummeling Punch Crunchy Riffing US Style rupanya menjadi gigitan tersendiri bagaimana Demigod bisa secara kejam menyajikannya tanpa menu pembuka hehehe ... pelan2 banget Gw dapat menikmati apa yang Gw tangkap sejak awal, simply Konsep yang tidak memerlukan Konsentrasi tersendiri untuk menikmati Matchy Style musiknya. meskipun karakter Bandung Death Metal ala Disinfected masih begitu terasa tersemat disetiap komposisi-nya lick, Demigod tetep berjuang melepas Imej kebanyakan orang. " Mental Disaster ", being the first obvious offender in so far that it sounds like a hodge-podge of riffs rather than the songs the band would find themselves writing. However, when the band does decide to just go for a classic tremolo break or a power chord heavy riff, they still pummel. See the first few riffs for evidence of the capabilities of the band being avoided for intense mayhem. " Kausalitas Stigma " tetap tidak lelah menggerinda berikutnya dengan komposisi yang cepat dan dinamis. There's a good amount of bass presence to keep the rhythm and supportthe drums as they blast away while also playing in some complex time signatures. memberi sentuhan yang Catchy berikutnya pada track " Supremasi Ideologi ", Demigod semakin liar mengeksplorasikan Komposisi dengan segenap Kemampuan Skill-nya sehingga Track ini menampilkan Progress musikal band lebih sebenarnya saja, beberapa Cannibal Corpse & Suffocation Riffing memang menjadi Komposisi yang dipadukan secara kuat dalam gaya bermusik Defeated Sanity. The music, which is very well written and otherwise an intense listen. Isn't exactly original or moving. Not to mention the fact that the performances, are a tad bit sloppy. Only a tad bit, I for one could never hope to play their material as well as they do. dan " End of Breathiness " bener2 mengakhiri Ambisi Demigod menyelesaikan materi EP ini, sebuah komposisi yang bagi gw lebih menyita Konsentrasi alami bermusiknya. This is like back when excessively over-the-top brutal stuff was actually dark and 'extreme' in a genuine way, capable of provoking feelings of extreme detachment from society and providing a huge aggressive rush of addrenaline. The bass guitar tracks can be heard at all times. The drums are like a triggered or 'clicky' sounding, and in fact the drums on here are absolutely ridiculous. In a great way. The vocals have dynamics: a high raspy scream with lots of reverb and then standard lows, and then of course mega-brutal lows, however all with the potential for possible decipherability (most of the time) which is the most one could ever ask for in this genre.
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